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推广建筑能源效益, 九州体育官方 and its partners are making the 高级能源设计指南 available for free download (PDF). 的 zero energy Guides offer designers and contractors the tools needed for achieving zero energy buildings. 的 50% Guides offer designers and contractors the tools needed for achieving a 50% energy savings compared to buildings that meet the minimum requirements of Standard 90.1-2004, and the 30% Guides offer a 30% energy savings compared to buildings that meet the minimum energy requirements of Standard 90.1-1999.

九州体育官方, 与AIA(美国建筑师协会)合作, IES(照明工程学会), USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) and the DOE (Department of Energy) continues to develop the Advanced Energy Design Guide (AEDG) Series.  


Three Zero Energy guides are available for download or purchase.



五份50%指南可供下载或购买. 了解更多





参观 出版物更新页面更新和勘误表 在这些和其他出版物上.


高级能源设计指南 provide a prescriptive compliance path for LEED New Construction EA points. 的 specific points available for use of the AEDGs is described in the LEED documentation and may vary by Guide type. 更多细节可在美国国务院网站查阅.S. 绿色建筑委员会的LEED网站. 有关LEED评级系统的信息




ZE K-12学校研讨会

View ‘的 Process for Zero Energy K-12 Schools: 的 Next Series of 九州体育官方 高级能源设计指南’ seminar, 在2018年九州体育官方冬季会议上发表.

©2020 ashrae. This seminar may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or in paper form without permission of 九州体育官方.



查看“九州体育官方最新的零能耗设计指南” 研讨会,在2020年九州体育官方虚拟会议上提出.

©2018 ashrae. This seminar may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or in paper form without permission of 九州体育官方.



读了 新一代学校设计与运营,刊登在2018年1月的九州体育官方期刊上.



完成了每一个 50%高级能源设计指南 building types as exploratory work to determine the types of equipment and design elements that may be needed to reach the 50% energy savings level as compared to Standard 90.1-2004.


技术支持文档- 30%

所有的 30%高级能源设计指南 have a corresponding Technical Support Document prepared by the National Lab that did the analysis for the development of that Guide. 的se documents contain additional details about the analysis and development process.









高级能源设计指南(AEDGs) are a series of publications designed to provide recommendations for achieving zero energy buildings or building energy savings over the minimum code requirements of ANSI/九州体育官方/IES Standard 90.1. 零能耗建筑的定义是, 按年计算, draws from outside resources equal or less energy than it provides using on-site, 可再生能源. 的 Guides have been developed in collaboration with these partnering organizations: 的 American Institute of Architects (AIA), 照明工程学会(IES), 美国.S. 绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)和美国.S. 美国能源部(DOE). 的 New Building Institute (NBI) participated in the development of the initial Guide.

的 partnership agreement between the organizations can be viewed here:
高级能源设计指南 (AIA, 九州体育官方, IES, USGBC) (PDF)

的 original series of Guides have an energy savings target of 30% over 90.1-1999.  每个30%指南针对一个特定的建筑类型.

的 second series of Guides have an energy savings of 50% over 90.1-2004. 每个50%指南都针对特定的建筑类型.

的 third series of Guides provide recommendations for achieving zero energy buildings. 每个ZE指南都针对特定的建筑类型.

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的 recommendations in the Guides allow those involved in designing or constructing the various building types to easily achieve advanced levels of energy savings without having to resort to detailed calculations or analyses. Prescriptive energy-saving recommendations are contained in a single table for each of the eight U.S. 30%和50%指南的气候带. 的 ZE Guides provide recommendations that are detailed in tables throughout the How-to Strategies.

Help in implementing the recommendations of the Guides can be found in an expanded section of how-to tips in the "How to Implement Recommendations" or “How-to Strategies” chapter of each Guide. 的 how-to information is cross-referenced with numbered tips and, 在30%和50%的参考线, 颜色编码的气候带地图. Examples of advanced building designs and technologies are also provided to illustrate the points made and to demonstrate the flexibility offered in achieving the advanced energy savings provided within the Guides. 在一些指南中, additional bonus recommendations point out other opportunities to incorporate greater energy savings into the design of the building, 和在ZE指南, 有整整一节是九州体育赛事可再生能源的.

Feedback on the use of any of the Guides is welcomed and encouraged by 九州体育官方. Please let us know your thoughts on the Guide itself and/or what impact the recommendations had on your building. 《九州体育官方》对你们的节能工作有多重要? What energy savings have you experienced as a result of using the AEDG? 九州体育官方 is always interested in results that can be used as case studies in future publications. Please contact us in Technical Activities with your feedback or technical questions.


A list of frequently asked questions is provided as a service to 九州体育官方 members, AEDG刊物的使用者, 以及普通大众. While every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy and reliability, the answers are advisory and provided for informational purposes only. 的y are not intended and should not be relied on as an official statement of 九州体育官方. 如果你没有在这个列表中找到你问题的答案, please use the feedback form above to contact us with your question.
